viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

'Planetary Unification Project 2012' - ¡¡¡start practicing your meditation power!!!

'Unify Project Earth' aims to bring together 2 billion people in a mass prayer event on December 21, 2012 in order to orchestrate a critical change in the consciousness of humanity"

¡¡¡Let´s Practice our Meditation Power and do exercise for increasing our energy!!! ---- ¬¬!°

WTF!!?? - This shows - one - that we are totally brainwashed waiting for 'something' else to solve this situations we are living. And others are planning killing themselves at this date or several other stupid gatherings and preparation to get away from this catastrophe and -two- that we are being very dishonest in wanting others to take responsability for our own mess.

And why 'waiting' to the last hour....
Well, here in my country - México- we wait until the last hour to take responsability for ourselves and our duties. You can visit the banks in the last day of the month and observe the huge lines and hurries within everyone to pay their debts, deposite money---etc and in many other services - phone, electricity, water....etc....
And then we get mad or sad because this units stop the water service or they are charging us interests.....

Mmmm,  well the Earth is 'charging the interests' of our lack of common sense and responsability - and our Stupidity....We think that waiting to the last minute we can change  a thing....

This Spiritual Movements are overlapping our stupidity. And claiming that in the last minute we have to prepare to do something....pff!!

I mean the 'preparation' is HERE within every moment, within every breath - not until an special date, an special hour .... Here...Why wait?
Well, Why? because is better to abuse and brainwash yourself to pretend anything is happening and say you 'care' in the last minute of your life....

Every Night when we go to Sleep is our 'final day' ---ask Yourself: What I did today to consider everyone as myself and stop all this abuse? No one is willing to answer because we don´t know - we never know- the answer, because we are not the answer....

If you want to Stand since Here - since this moment as you are reading this article - Join us at Desteni and start living the solution!!!

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